Having trouble working out my eye-shape.

by Bellinda
(Bunbury Western Australia )

With Glasses

With Glasses

Hi there I am having trouble figuring out my eye shape, so I would welcome some help!

Also I wear glasses most of the time and I was wondering if I should do anything different to my eyes with makeup as glasses seem to change/enhance the look a bit.

So glad I found our page its brilliant.

Thanks Bellinda!

Your eyes look mainly deep set.

For the glasses here are some tips:

- Try shaping your brows in a shape that corresponds with the glasses. So for these glasses, a straighter shape.

- The other thing you can do is highlight the area under your eyes for a bit of a glow.

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Apr 17, 2014
by: MKH


I actually didn't finish that off properly I'm sorry!

From what I could measure in the pictures, your eyes seem more wide set than close set. But not wide set in an unusual way that requires just makeup for wide set eyes.

They do look almond, and so the only impactful shape on the type of eye makeup that would be most suitable for you, are the crease and shadows created by deep set lids.

Apr 17, 2014
by: Bellinda

Thank you for the advice.
I was thinking my eyes are almond shaped? and close set? Though its hard to see that because of my glasses. I never liked them in my youth, but now I cant live without them as they cover my bags :)

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