Deep-Set-Hooded Eye shape

by Lizaane
(South Africa)

Lizaane Eye Shape

Lizaane Eye Shape

I would like to know what eye shape I have? Can you please assist?

I have enclosed pictures with make up and without.

Would appreciate assistance.


Hi Lizaane

Your eyes are predominantly deep set, and hooded.

The makeup that would look the best on you would be for deep set eyes.

Try experimenting with different colored smokey eyes, being careful not to go too dark with the bottom eyeliner.

Remember that dark colors push your eyes in deeper, while shimmer will make them come outwards.

So dark colors all over the lid and just beyond it will be flattering, and lighter colors will make the area seem a little bigger and brighter.

With the brights and shimmer, avoid putting them on the hooded part of the eye area.

This because they will make your eyes look a little bit more hooded...

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